Carmelite Conversations
The Carmelite Conversations podcast discusses Carmelite Spirituality and its application to our busy, modern lives. The podcast provides counsel on how to live the Carmelite call to combine contemplative prayer with service to the Church, while at the same time providing guidance on how to make progress in holiness. Carmelite Conversations is of particular interest to Secular Carmelites as it is produced by the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites Community of Our Mother of Good Counsel in Dayton, Ohio.
Monday Apr 30, 2012
Carmelite Books
Monday Apr 30, 2012
Monday Apr 30, 2012
On this program, Mark and Frances cover a list of their favorite Carmelite Books. This is a list of the less well known, but none-the-less very useful books on a whole range of Carmelite topics; including Carmelite spirituality, contemplative prayer, Mystical Theology and outlines of some of the key figures in the history of the Order. Each of the books presented have been read by one or both of the presenters, and Mark and Frances are able to offer their insights on how the texts can contribute to your own spiritual journey.
Monday Apr 23, 2012
Divine Mercy and the Carmelites, Part Two
Monday Apr 23, 2012
Monday Apr 23, 2012
Carmelite Conversations Host Frances Harry welcomes guest, Deacon Russell Baldwin back to the program to continue our conversation on “Divine Mercy and the Carmelites.” We focused on the 5 Stages of the Mercy of God with examples from our Carmelite Saints followed by deeper insights on “Divine Mercy” by St. Therese of Lisieux, the little flower. For her, confidence and trust in God’s divine and merciful love are foundational to her whole relationship with God and is evident in her practice of the “Little Way of Spiritual Childhood.”
Monday Apr 16, 2012
Divine Mercy and the Carmelites, Part One
Monday Apr 16, 2012
Monday Apr 16, 2012
Carmelite Conversations Host Frances Harry welcomes guest, Deacon Russell Baldwin to the program. The topic for this program is the “Divine Mercy Devotion” and the Carmelites. We discussed the 5 forms of Devotion to Divine Mercy as presented to St. Faustina from her Diary, now published and available to the public (“Divine Mercy in My Soul: the Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska”). Our conversation continued with a comparison of St. Faustina with the well-known Carmelite, St. Therese of Lisieux, who sang the mercies of the Lord in her manuscripts which were compiled and put into book form, known as “Story of a Soul” by St. Therse of Lisieux.
Monday Apr 09, 2012
Devotion to the Holy Face – Part 1
Monday Apr 09, 2012
Monday Apr 09, 2012
This program began a four part series on the Devotion to the Holy Face. This remarkably powerful devotion was actually instituted by Veronica when she wiped the face of Jesus as He climbed to His crucifixion on Calvary. The program goes on to discuss four other instances in the history of the Church where this Devotion either gained great popularity or was actually re-instituted by Christ. The first was in the early 1840’s through the revelations to a Carmelite Sister named Mary of St Peter. The promises and the power of this devotion were offered to combat both blasphemy and the sins against the holy day of Sunday. The devotion was then reintroduced by St Therese of Lisieux around the late 1800’s, again in the mid 1940’s through an Italian Mother Pierina of the Immaculate Conception, and finally, in our own time through a man name Gordon Deery in Montreal, who carries on this world-wide ministry even today.
Monday Mar 12, 2012
Brother Lawrence’s Letters
Monday Mar 12, 2012
Monday Mar 12, 2012
This program draws from Brother Lawrence’s own letters to other religious who he maintained correspondence with in his later life. These letters represent the best source of information for understanding what Brother Lawrence himself had to say, not only about the Practice of the Presence of God, but just as importantly, how to overcome the difficulties that one might expect to encounter in making this practice a part of daily life.
Monday Mar 05, 2012
Brother Lawrence’s Teachings On Detachment
Monday Mar 05, 2012
Monday Mar 05, 2012
This program discusses Brother Lawrence’s basic teachings on detachment, the need for silence and the process for practicing the presence even in our daily life. The discussion focuses largely on the Spiritual Maxims, and Brother Lawrence’s “Conversations” with Fr. Beaufort. The program also discusses the evidence provided by Fr. Beaufort as to how Brother Lawrence lived out this practice in his own daily life.
Monday Feb 27, 2012
The Writings of Fr. Beaufort
Monday Feb 27, 2012
Monday Feb 27, 2012
This program is drawn from the writings of Fr. Beaufort, who wrote and delivered the eulogy at Brother Lawrence’s funeral. He drew from his own communication with Brother Lawrence to offer an objective review of the man’s life, his teachings and how he manifested them in his very person. He speaks about a man of great humility and also great faith.
Monday Dec 05, 2011
Elizabeth of the Trinity III
Monday Dec 05, 2011
Monday Dec 05, 2011
“This particular program deals with our univeral vocation in Christ. As baptized Christians, we are all called to Union with God through Christ. This conversation explores our call to build ourselves into Holy Temples where the Trinity might dwell and where we can participate in the very life of the Three Divine Persons. Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity explains how we can begin to build what St Augustine refers to as the City of God within our souls. This program builds on the theme of simplicity, solitude and silence in our prayer life.”
Monday Nov 28, 2011
Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity II
Monday Nov 28, 2011
Monday Nov 28, 2011
“This program picks up on the biographical sketch of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity after her entry into Carmel. It then goes on to explore some of her major writings, both her individual retreats and her letters. Blessed Elizabeth understood very clearly the need to dispense with anything that did not lead her to God, but she did not attempt to achieve this by simply leaving the world. Rather, she shows, through her writings, how the real objective must be to bring everything in a persons life under the submission of Christ. She speaks of the need to see with the “single eye” and practice the principles of silence, simplicity and solitude.”
Monday Nov 21, 2011
Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity II
Monday Nov 21, 2011
Monday Nov 21, 2011
“This program offers a brief biographical sketch of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity. Blessed Elizabeth was a Carmelite nun who lived in France and died in her early twenties, in 1906. Her remarkable writings are considered materpieces of spiritual insight, and they deal largely with the life of the Trinity dwelling within each of us. This program covers the major events of her life leading up to her entry into Carmel, and how the more significant events of her childhood served to form her and draw her into an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Monday Nov 07, 2011
Monday Nov 07, 2011
Monday Nov 07, 2011
This program covers St Therese’s profound teaching on Purgatory. Beginning with a brief explanation of the Church’s teaching on Purgatory, in this program we discuss how St Therese taught that we do not necessarily need to go to Purgatory. She argues there is a way to avoid it, and that is simply to have trust in our loving Father. Further, she argues, the real path is to simply become love throughout our life. Then, she says, there is nothing that the flames of purgatory, which are nothing other than the flame of God’s Love, can do to us. For we will have become that very flame of love.
Monday Oct 24, 2011
St. Therese of Lisieux
Monday Oct 24, 2011
Monday Oct 24, 2011
This program explores the details of the earlthly life of St Therese. Through Mark and Frances’ discussion with someone who has actully visited Lisieux and the childhood home of Therese and the convent where she lived the last stages of her young life, this conversation explores the real person of Therese. It discusses how the experiences of her life formed and shaped her into the future Saint who still teaches us so much today.
Monday Oct 10, 2011
St. Therese – Suffering
Monday Oct 10, 2011
Monday Oct 10, 2011
This program discusses the reality of suffering in the spiritual life. More importantly, St Therese of Lisieux helps us understand the great value of accepting our everyday trials and sufferings, and how to transform them into a deeper experience of Love. This is the science of the saints, to use everything in our life, good and bad, to deepen or love.
Monday Sep 26, 2011
Changes to the Missal – Fr. Tony
Monday Sep 26, 2011
Monday Sep 26, 2011
This program covers the upcoming changes to the New Roman Missal. Fr Tony Geraci, is a scholar of the Roman Liturgy In this program he explains both the history of the current revisions and the motivation behind the specific changes to the language reflected in the new version. Fr. Tony helps us to understand how a return to a more authentic translation allows us to better understand the meaning and significance of the Missal.
Monday Sep 12, 2011
St. John of the Cross
Monday Sep 12, 2011
Monday Sep 12, 2011
This program deals with the last and most difficult of St John of the Cross’ four stages of the spiritual journey, the Passive Night of Sense. Here the Lord takes us through the later stages of interior prayer. This is where God takes us through the very painful experiences necessary to teach us that He will not be limited by our all too small perception of him.
Monday Aug 29, 2011
St. John of the Cross – Active night of the Spirit
Monday Aug 29, 2011
Monday Aug 29, 2011
This program provides an introduction St John of the Cross’ teaching on the four nights that he uses to describe the spiritual journey. This program introduces the Active Night of Spirit. Here the soul must take responsibility to begin to detach itself from even the spiritual consolations we experience along the journey. We must look beyond the simple consolations of prayer, so that we can reach the higher states of prayer.
Monday Aug 22, 2011
St. John of the Cross – Active night of the Spirit
Monday Aug 22, 2011
Monday Aug 22, 2011
This program provides an introduction to St John of the Cross’ teaching on the second of the four nights, the Passive Night of Sense. In this night the Lord begins to finish the work of detaching us from our over dependence on material comforts, supports and consolations.
Monday Aug 15, 2011
St. John of the Cross
Monday Aug 15, 2011
Monday Aug 15, 2011
This program provides an introduction to the teaching of St John of the Cross on the first of the four nights that John uses to describe the progress of the interior life. The first stage in this process is the Active Night of Sense. Here the soul must take the responsibility to begin to practice detachment from anything that does not lead to God.
Monday Aug 08, 2011
St. John of the Cross
Monday Aug 08, 2011
Monday Aug 08, 2011
This program provides a brief biographical sketch of the life of St Joh of the Cross. It covers the experiences of his early life which help to shape, direct and inform his future teaching on mystical theology and the interior life.
Monday Aug 01, 2011
The Brown Scapular
Monday Aug 01, 2011
Monday Aug 01, 2011
In this program, Mark Danis and his guest host discuss the Brown Scapular.
Monday Jun 27, 2011
Debbie Koch
Monday Jun 27, 2011
Monday Jun 27, 2011
On this program, Mark interviews Debbie Koch, past President of the Carmelite Community in Cincinnati Ohio. Debbie shares her journey leading to Carmel, her thoughts on the impact her devotion to Carmel has had on her life and considerable experience in leading a Secular Carmelite Community. She also shares information on the process of spiritual formation, the importance of community and her own thoughts on some of the leading spiritual figures in the history of the Carmelite Order
Monday Jun 20, 2011
The Interior Castles III
Monday Jun 20, 2011
Monday Jun 20, 2011
“In this program Mark and Frances continue their conversation on St Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castles. Here they will explore the latter part of the 6th Dwelling where the soul is encouraged to continue to reflect on the humanity of Christ, most especially His passion. This is also where the soul experiences God through intellectual visions which serve to transform the soul at its deepes core. They will also discuss the 7th Dwelling, where the soul begins to experience complete Transforming Union.”
Monday Jun 13, 2011
Monday Jun 13, 2011
Monday Jun 13, 2011
“In this program Mark and Frances will explore the history, significance and the current environment in the Church surrounding the Sacrament of Pennance and Reconciliation. Their guest is Michele Foley who has done extensive research in the field of Reconciliation and the need for and benefits of frequent confession. This particular program challenges to the modern Catholic to “turn back” to the important Sacrament of Reconciliation and to see it as an integral part of Spiritual development.”
Monday Jun 06, 2011
Spiritual Life
Monday Jun 06, 2011
Monday Jun 06, 2011
Have you ever wish for mystical “flights of spirit?” have you wondered how the saints disposed themselves for intimate union with God? Listen into this interesting conversation on what a Doctor of the Church and a Master of prayer, St Teresa of Avila has to say about these any other topics in the spiritual life. Learn how we can begin to make real progress in our spiritual journey.
Monday May 16, 2011
Mary, Jesus, and Catholicism in Film
Monday May 16, 2011
Monday May 16, 2011
In this thought provoking program, Mark interviews Michael Duricy STL, from the International Marian Research Institute. Michael did his graduate research on Mary in Films. This particular conversation will focus on how Hollywood has portryed Mary, Jesus and Catholicism in general. It is an interesting exploration into both religious and secular culture as depicted in film.