Carmelite Conversations
The Carmelite Conversations podcast discusses Carmelite Spirituality and its application to our busy, modern lives. The podcast provides counsel on how to live the Carmelite call to combine contemplative prayer with service to the Church, while at the same time providing guidance on how to make progress in holiness. Carmelite Conversations is of particular interest to Secular Carmelites as it is produced by the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites Community of Our Mother of Good Counsel in Dayton, Ohio.
Monday May 09, 2011
The Interior Castle II
Monday May 09, 2011
Monday May 09, 2011
Have you ever wondered if your prayer life was useful, and whether you were making progress. In this insightful program, Mark and Frances continue their conversation on Teresa of Avila’s “The Interior Castle.” They will discuss the need for and benefits of Spiritual Direction. They also discuss the role of dryness in prayer and offer insights on the signs that demonstrate when a person is making progress in their prayer life.
Monday May 02, 2011
The Interior Castle II
Monday May 02, 2011
Monday May 02, 2011
Have you just begun to pray more seriously, or are you still struggling with finding the time and commitment. On this program Mark and Francis begin a discussion of St Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castles. Today they discuss the first three “Dwellings” or Mansions in St Teresa’s explanation of the Seven Interior Castles. If you are struggling with your prayer life, let a true master of prayer, St Teresa of Avila, conduct you along a smoother path.
Monday Apr 25, 2011
St Teresa of Avila
Monday Apr 25, 2011
Monday Apr 25, 2011
During this Conversation, Mark and Frances are joined by William Corey, President of the Cincinnati Community of Discalced Carmelites. They will discuss more about St Teresa of Avila’s teachings on the prayer of Recollection. They will also go through each of the verses of the “Our Father” and provide St Teresa’s insights on what she among others have referred to as the “perfect prayer.”
Monday Apr 11, 2011
St. Therese of Lisieux
Monday Apr 11, 2011
Monday Apr 11, 2011
This program focuses on St Therese of Lisieux. We explore the major events of her childhood, the events that led to her entry into Carmel and the significant contribution she made in her short life. We focus primarily on her most famous work, The Story of a Soul. From this work we will explore the teaching of Spiritual Childhood. We seek to understand our relationship to the Father through the eyes of this beloved French Carmelite. We also explore her teaching on prayer and suffering. Finally, we explore Therese’s mission to the rest of the Church and see how the life of Carmel can be so beneficial to those who are looking for spiritual assistance in their journey to the Lord.
Monday Mar 14, 2011
St. Teresa of Avila
Monday Mar 14, 2011
Monday Mar 14, 2011
This program introduces the life of St Teresa of Avila and her useful teachings on the Way of Perfection. This program focuses on the life of Teresa of Avila and her main teachings on prayer, community, sacrifice and entering in to relationship with the Lord. The principle texts for this program are her Way of Perfection and her Autobiography. There are some history of the reform initiated by Teresa, as well as her relationship with John of the Cross. The primary message of this program is to demonstrate how Teresa, in the midst of all that she accomplished in the world, was still able to achieve the highest levels of prayer and union with the Lord.
Friday Mar 11, 2011
Devotion to Mary
Friday Mar 11, 2011
Friday Mar 11, 2011
This program focuses on Carmel’s deep devotion to Mary and the role she plays in forming us spiritually. The program will focuses on Mary’s primary example to Carmel, her Purity of Heart and Simplicity of Life. The material covers Carmel’s special relationship to Mary and Marion devotions, as well as how Mary plays a personal role in forming each of us into the image of her Son.
Monday Feb 28, 2011
Living the Call
Monday Feb 28, 2011
Monday Feb 28, 2011
This program focuses on the basic elements of living the call to Carmel in our time. This includes a very brief introduction to The Rule written by St Albert, and the Constitutions of Carmel. We then discuss what is meant by “Carmel,” and how both the Rule and the Constitutions are supported by the Secular Communities. Again, the emphasis here is not on the history, but rather on how the structure of Carmel is designed to assist it members in pursuing holiness and living out the call to Christian Charity.
Monday Feb 21, 2011
Introduction - the first podcast!
Monday Feb 21, 2011
Monday Feb 21, 2011
This program begins with a simple history of the Order and its foundation in our Father, Elijah. The primary text for this program is “Journey to Carith” and the ICS publication on entitled “Elijah.” This program provides a basic understanding of what led to the establishment of the Carmelite Order, and also profiles some of the key figures who will be presented in greater detail in later programs. The focus is to demonstrate how Elijah’s own life serves as a model for the today’s active contemplative who seeks above all else to do the will of God.