Carmelite Conversations
The Carmelite Conversations podcast discusses Carmelite Spirituality and its application to our busy, modern lives. The podcast provides counsel on how to live the Carmelite call to combine contemplative prayer with service to the Church, while at the same time providing guidance on how to make progress in holiness. Carmelite Conversations is of particular interest to Secular Carmelites as it is produced by the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites Community of Our Mother of Good Counsel in Dayton, Ohio.
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Discernment: An Encounter with the Lord, with Deacon Rusty Baldwin, OCDS
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
What is “discernment”? That word is used frequently in Christian circles, especially in regard to answering the call to our vocation in life. Many souls have a fundamental misunderstanding of what discernment is. Deacon Baldwin clarifies what discernment is NOT, and what it IS.
He then clarifies our understanding of the Christian essence of discernment. He points out and explains how true discernment is a form of prayer. He then describes how true discernment helps us gain interior freedom. But what does this look like in our lives? And more importantly, what is the definitive end of discernment?
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
After being fully professed by making the Definitive Promise in the Order, a member may choose to discern whether he/she is being called to make a vow. What is a vow? How does a vow differ from a promise? What kind of vow can one make? How is a soul prepared for making the vow? What is involved? Who is eligible and what time frame is involved? Most importantly, why would a member want to make the vow? These are some of the questions that will be addressed by Colleen Sollinger, a member and the current Director of Formation for the community of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites in Dayton. Even if you are not in the Order, by hearing this presentation, you may come to appreciate in a deeper way, the commitment others make by the vows.
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Aug. 9th is the feast of St.Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (aka Edith Stein). Deacon Baldwin gives a short background on this wonderful Saint and then zeroes in on how she lived out the “love of the Cross.” What was that like? Who was she? What did she believe? How did love change her? She indeed made the supreme sacrifice of the Cross, dying at Auschwitz.
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Engaging the World But Not of the World, with Mark Olson, OCDS
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
In John 17: 14-16, Jesus states that we do not belong to the world. Still, He prays not that we be taken from the world, but that we may have the strength to resist evil. What do the Carmelite Saints have to say about remaining in God while being in the world? Examples are provided from Br. Lawrence of the Resurrection, General Gaston de Sonis, and St. Teresa of Avila.
Friday Aug 06, 2021
What the Soul is to the Body, by Deacon Rusty Baldwin, OCDS
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
How are we (as Carmelites/Christians) to be to the world what the soul is to the body? What do our Carmelite Doctors of the Church teach us? How are we in the world but not of the world? What is the soul? How does it operate? What is its relationship to the body? How does the soul and the body work together? How does this relate to our Carmelite/Christian calling?
Secular Carmelites/Christians are sent to bring the Spirit of Christ into the world to animate and transform it. How do we do that? How is this union of the body and soul perfected in Christ?
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Mystery: The Threshold of Divine Love, with Deacon Rusty Baldwin, OCDS
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Deacon Baldwin helps the listener to understand the word “mystery” as it applies to faith in God. He explains how the mystery of God goes beyond our intellect and reason. He then proceeds to introduce the steps to enter into the mystery of Divine Love.
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
4th in the Series: featuring Père Jacques de Jésus, OCD (1900 – 1945)
Père Jacques (aka Lucien Bunel) was a French Roman Catholic priest who became a Discalced Carmelite Friar. He was born in France in 1900 and died in 1945. He lived through two earth-shattering wars in a country scarred by intense class conflict. Père Jacques was a talented preacher and youth group leader; a teacher with a revolutionary vision of education and love of human culture; a patriot who knew the life of a conscript, prisoner of war and member of the French Resistance; a “martyr of love” who died in a concentration camp. In all, he was a Carmelite priest on fire with love for God and neighbor.
In this conversation, we focus on his life and how he lived war and imprisonment humanly.
Père Jacques
“Père Jacques: Resplendent in Victory”
By Francis J. Murphy
ICS Publications
“Listen to the Silence: A Retreat with Père Jacques”
Translated and Edited by Francis J. Murphy
ICS Publications
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
3rd in the Series: featuring St. Maria Maravillas of Jesus, OCD (1891-1974)
During the life of St. Maria Maravillas, a Discalced Carmelite nun and foundress, Spain was going through much upheaval. Religious persecution increased daily.
In this conversation, you will learn how St. Maria Maravillas displayed courage in the face of opposition, even face to face opposition! The revolutionaries were a constant threat. What was this Saint’s response? What was her “martyrdom of heart?”
You’ll also learn of a “Cinderella” moment she had that is quite an amusing story and connection with Holy Mother Teresa (St. Teresa of Avila).
RESOURCES on Saint Maria Maravillas:
“Following the Path of Divine Love”
By the Discalced Carmelites of Cerro de los Ageles and La Aldehuela, Spain
Published by the Carmel International Publishing House in Kerala, India
This is the website to the convent near Cerro de los Ángeles. This is the convent from which she was first arrested during the Spanish Civil War; this is the one she rebuilt after it had been destroyed after being occupied by both sides at various times throughout the war. ~
Sainteté au Carmel: Vie et message de Mère Maravillas de Jésus
By the Carmel at the Cerro de los Ángeles
Éditions du Carmel
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Second in the Series: featuring General Louis-Gaston de Sonis
In this podcast, the conversation focuses on the life of General Louis-Gaston de Sonis, from France. Born in 1825 and 1887. He was a husband, father of 12, a military officer and a member of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites.
He displayed courage in the midst of many struggles, both in the military and in the world, personally and as a Catholic.
Our guest, Colleen Sollinger, tells us about his life and some of the adverse situations he was in. She then points out how the General dealt with these situations. He has much wise counsel to give us.
After he died, his body was found to be incorrupt. Some miracles were declared and attributed to his intercession. What a joy it would be to see his cause for canonization to be completed.
“The Life of General de Sonis, From his Papers and Correspondence”
By Msgr Baunard, Translated by Lady Herbert
Available from Amazon
Also found online at:
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
In our day, there is much social upheaval and unrest and a strident political atmosphere. Additionally, living during the pandemic of Covid-19, has caused many pressures and struggles for the whole world.
“Courage in the Face of Opposition” is needed as much, or even more, today as in previous times.
Our guest, Colleen Sollinger, has put together several teaching points and nuggets of wisdom from our Carmelites that will help us to live now in our challenging situation, as they did in theirs.
We will get wise counsel from several Carmelites. Those featured in this podcast are: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, the Martyrs of Compiegne, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Maria Maravillas, St. Benedicta of the Cross, Pere Jacques (Bunel) of Jesus, and General Louis-Gaston de Sonis.
Père Jacques
“Père Jacques: Resplendent in Victory”
By Francis J. Murphy
ICS Publications
“Listen to the Silence: A Retreat with Père Jacques”
Translated and Edited by Francis J. Murphy
ICS Publications
General de Sonis
“The Life of General de Sonis, From his Papers and Correspondence”
By Msgr Baunard, Translated by Lady Herbert
Available from Amazon
“Le Général de Sonis”
By Gérard Bedel
Via Romana (it’s French but the most up-to-date, if you can read it.)
Martyrs of Compiègne
“To Quell the Terror: The True Story of the Carmelite Martyrs of Compiègne”
William Bush
ICS Publications
Saint Maria Maravillas
There isn’t a lot about St. Maria Maravillas in English, alas. If you can read Spanish or French, you’re in luck. However, we can offer one English source:
“Following the Path of Divine Love: Saint Maravillas, O.C.D., Daughter of the Church and of Saint Teresa of Jesus”
by the Discalced Carmelites of Cerro de los Angeles and La Aldehuela, Spain;
Carmel International Publishing House; Kerala, India. 2011.
~ This is the website to the convent near Cerro de los Ángeles. This is the convent from which she was first arrested during the Spanish Civil War; this is the one she rebuilt after it had been destroyed after being occupied by both sides at various times throughout the war. ~
Sainteté au Carmel: Vie et message de Mère Maravillas de Jésus
By the Carmel at the Cerro de los Ángeles
Éditions du Carmel
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Inspired by the Holy Spirt, with Deacon Rusty Baldwin, OCDS
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
We all are called by Heaven, but how many of us hear it? How many answer the call? What help do we receive in order to answer the call and fulfill the call?
In this podcast, Deacon Rusty Baldwin, OCDS, examines the “call.” Here, he specifically addresses the call to Carmel as indicated in the “Promise” made by members. The content of this talk, however, pertains to every call from Heaven.
With great clarity, Deacon Baldwin, lays out how the call may come. Additionally, he addresses the correlation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit with the Theological and Cardinal Virtues.
May God grant us the grace to favorably answer His Call.
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Laura Reece Hogan is a is a professed Third Order Carmelite and the award-winning author of the chapbook O Garden-Dweller and a book of spiritual theology, I Live, No Longer I. Laura earned a law degree from the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law, and an Masters in Theology from St. John’s Seminary in California. She is also a poet and her poems can be found in America, First Things, The Christian Century, Dappled Things, and Whale Road Review, among other publications.
Laura is winner of the 2020 Paraclete Poetry Prize for her poetry collection titled Litany of Flights. The book remind us to behold the extraordinary in the ordinary, and that the secret workings of the divine occur even through the difficult.
Buy the book on Amazon.
Monday Feb 15, 2021
The Beatitudes” presented by Deacon Rusty Baldwin, OCDS
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
The blessings from God are considered in this presentation in the light of Evangelical Perfection.
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
A Father’s Heart, with Deacon Rusty Baldwin, OCDS
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
St. Joseph is becoming more and more prominent in the eyes of the Church. It wasn’t long ago that St. Joseph’s name was added to the Eucharistic Prayers in the Masses of the Catholic Church. Fr. Don Calloway also wrote a wonderful book in 2020 called “Consecration to St. Joseph: the Wonders of Our Spiritual Father” that has meditations to warm your heart greatly toward St. Joseph. Now, we have a whole year dedicated to him as Pope Francis has declared the year from Dec. 8, 2020 to Dec. 8, 2021 as the Year of St. Joseph.
It’s very fitting, then, that we ask St. Joseph to accompany us through this year in particular. I am confident St. Joseph will be helping us in a special way as we journey along this Way of Perfection. For Carmelites, he is known as the Protector of our Order.
St. Teresa of Avila had a great devotion to St. Joseph. My guest today, Deacon Rusty Baldwin, is going to highlight some points for us to consider from her writings on St. Joseph.
More than that, Deacon Baldwin asks us how we are imitating St. Joseph in our own life.
As a supplement, you may want to read from Pope Francis’s Apostolic Letter “Patris Corde” found on the Vatican website at
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection's book The Practice of the Presence of God is a spiritual classic and provides great insight into the important of our secular work to uniting us with God. In this podcast, Tim Bete, OCDS, summarizes Brother Lawrence's wisdom for our daily lives.
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Therese Poems by Sarah Law, with Tim Bete, OCDS
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Poet Sarah Law talks about her new book Therese: Poems, which is a wonderful way to meditate on the life of St. Therese of Lisieux. Sarah also reads several poems. The book can be purchased at:
Paraclete Press:érèse-Paraclete-Poetry-Sarah-Law/dp/1640603948
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Dec. 14th is the Solemnity/Feast of St. John of the Cross, a Discalced Carmelite and Doctor of the Church. He is often referred to as Doctor Mysticus or Doctor of Love. He is a great Saint for Advent with his writings centering on mystery, darkness, intimacy, light and flame of love.
This presentation will help us ponder these questions:
What is a mystic?
What are we called to?
What is the Dark Night and what it is NOT?
What is true happiness and joy?
Why did St. John of the Cross use the term, Dark Night?
What did he ask to be recited to him as he lay dying?
What is the Flame of Love?
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Mary in the Life and Writings of St. John of the Cross by Lynn Bete, OCDS
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
St. John of the Cross is known as one of the greatest Spanish Poets. Thankfully, he was asked to expound upon his poems which resulted in the classics we may be familiar with…such as “The Spiritual Canticle,” “The Dark Night,” and “The Living Flame of Love.” Someone new to St. John of the Cross may complain, however, that he didn’t write very much about the Blessed Virgin Mary. This presentation by Lynn Bete, a professed Discalced Carmelite Secular in Dayton, OH, may change their perspective on that topic. What were the major Marian influences in St. John of the Cross’s life? How did our Blessed Mother draw him to come and to stay in Carmel? What does he write about our dear Blessed Mother? How can he be called totally Marian?
The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD and Otilio Rodriguez, OCD
“The Mariology of Saint John of the Cross” by Br. John-Mary of Jesus Crucified, OCD
“Mary and the Holy Spirit in the Writings of John of the Cross” by Emmanuel J. Sullivan, OCD
Passages from St. John of the Cross:
God alone moves these souls [who have reached habitual union with God] toward those works that are in harmony with his will and ordinance, and they cannot be moved toward others. Thus the works and prayer of these souls always produce their effect.
Such were the prayer and the works of our Lady, the most glorious Virgin Raised from the very beginning to this high estate, she never had the form of any creature impressed in her soul, nor was she moved by any, for she was always moved by the Holy Spirit.
~ Ascent of Mount Carmel 3.2.10
The discreet lover does not care to ask for what she lacks and desires, but only indicates this need so the Beloved may do what he pleases. When the Blessed Virgin spoke to her beloved Son at the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee, she did not ask directly for the wine, but merely remarked: They have no wine.
~ Commentary on The Spiritual Canticle 2.8
You will not take from me, my God, what you once gave me in your only Son, Jesus Christ, in whom you gave me all I desire…
Mine are the heavens and mine is the earth. Mine are the nations, the just are mine, and mine the sinners. The angels are mine, and the Mother of God, and all things are mine; and God himself is mine and for me, because Christ is mine and all for me.
~ Sayings of Light and Love #27 and #28
Then he called
the archangel Gabriel
and sent him to
the virgin Mary,
at whose consent
the mystery was wrought,
in whom the Trinity
clothed the Word with flesh.
and though Three work this,
it is wrought in the One;
and the Word lived incarnate
in the womb of Mary.
And he who had only a Father
now had a Mother too…
~ Romances 8
Christmas Refrain
The Virgin, weighed
with the Word of God,
comes down the road:
if only you'll shelter her.
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
The Famous Prayer of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity with Frances Harry, OCDS
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
On this day, Nov. 8, the feast day of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, join me in praying her famous prayer known as “O My God, Trinity whom I Adore.” It is a prayer that is very deep with much to ponder. This translation came from the book, “Drink of the Stream: Prayers of the Carmelites” compiled by Penny Hickey, OCDS, pg. 299-300.
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
The 6 Ms with Colleen Sollinger, OCDS
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
What are the obligations of a person who becomes a member of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites? An easy way to remember them is to abbreviate them and call them the “6 M’s.” Colleen Sollinger, a professed member of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites, and also the Director of Formation for her community in Dayton, OH, shares with us a description of each of the M’s, but also challenges us with deeper perspectives that may revitalize us in many ways. She references many of our Discalced Carmelite Saints, the OCDS Constitution, and uses many other resources. This is one of the very best talks I’ve heard on this topic. Be refreshed! Be renewed in spirit! God will be glorified in all!
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
The famous sun miracle at the Church approved apparition in Fatima, Portugal on Oct. 13, 1917 remains a topic of discussion among many Catholics. Over a hundred years have passed since it occurred, yet we are still deriving great fruit from it. In this conversation, guest Angela Winfield will shed some light on the Carmelite connections to this great miracle and what it means for us today.
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
On Oct. 15, 2020, Fr. John MacQuarrie gave this homily at the Feast Day Mass of St. Teresa of Avila.
What is piercing your heart? Is it the anger and confusion of our times in this world, in the church, in politics? Or is it the flaming arrow of God’s love? Fr. John MacQuarrie leads us in a reflection on this feast day of St. Teresa of Avila by recalling the great statue by Bernini of St. Teresa in ecstasy. The description of this supernatural event involving St. Teresa can be found in “The Book of Her Life” Ch. 29 verse 13. Regarding the times we are living in, she has great advice: “Whoever lives in the presence of so good a friend and excellent a leader, who went ahead of us to be the first to suffer, can endure all things. The Lord helps us, strengthens us, and never fails; He is a true friend.” [Life, Ch. 22:7].
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Mt. Zion with Deacon Rusty Baldwin, OCDS
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Mountains are a privileged place of prayer. Jesus often went up the mountain to pray. In Hebrews 12:22-24 we are invited to come to Mt. Zion, the City of the Living God. What is this call? How should we answer this call? What is our responsibility in answering this call? Mt. Zion is a place of prayer, consolation and growth. But…don’t just stay there! We have work to do! Deacon Russell Baldwin, OCDS, shares his reflection on Mt. Zion to help us answer those questions.
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Transfiguration Encounter with Deacon Rusty Baldwin. OCDS
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Deacon Rusty Baldwin. OCDS, gives a talk about the Transfiguration.
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Our Lady Queen of Peace with Herb Edwards, OCDS
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Herb Edwards, OCDS, gave a wonderful talk about Our Lady Queen of Peace at our September 2020 OCDS Community meeting. The very beginning of the talk was cut off but the talk was so amazing, we still wanted to share it with you here.