Carmelite Conversations
The Carmelite Conversations podcast discusses Carmelite Spirituality and its application to our busy, modern lives. The podcast provides counsel on how to live the Carmelite call to combine contemplative prayer with service to the Church, while at the same time providing guidance on how to make progress in holiness. Carmelite Conversations is of particular interest to Secular Carmelites as it is produced by the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites Community of Our Mother of Good Counsel in Dayton, Ohio.
Monday May 19, 2014
Monday May 19, 2014
Although St. Teresa of Avila said she was NOT a writer, she has a compilation of writings that would dwarf many an author today. Special guest, Lisa LaRosa, tells us about St. Teresa’s writing starting with an early novel as well as her four most famous major works. Additionally, St. Teresa’s minor works cover a vast terrain from biblical commentary to post-communion reflections and meditations, to spiritual challenges, satire, poems, instructional works, and more. Her personal letters, of which 468 were found, covered the years 1546-1582. We get a candid look at St. Teresa’s personal thoughts and expressions and concerns as well as gems of wisdom that are very applicable to our lives today. We begin with some of the early letters and will continue the series throughout the year highlighting some of the letters with the most notable points. St. Teresa, pray for us!
Monday Apr 28, 2014
Themes for Pope Francis
Monday Apr 28, 2014
Monday Apr 28, 2014
Have you wondered what some of the key themes are for Pope Francis? Well he is certainly interested in the needs of the poor, and we know that he has some very specific ideas about economics and the need to pursue peace in the midst of political conflicts. However, if there is one consistent theme that Pope Francis has continued to focus on, it is the Mercy of God. In this particular conversation, Mark and Frances explore Carmelite perspectives on Mercy, largely through the writings of St Therese of Lisieux and also Pope France’s new book, entitled “The Church of Mercy.” Pope Francis himself stresses that we must remember that beyond the simple reality of God’s omnipotence, omnipresence and transcendence, God should first and foremost be known for His Mercy. Mercy is understood as compassion, kindness and forgiveness, and despite our too often view of God as judgmental, He greatest attribute is Mercy.
Thursday Apr 24, 2014
The Church of Mercy
Thursday Apr 24, 2014
Thursday Apr 24, 2014
“The Holy Father just released a book entitled “The Church of Mercy.” In this particular conversation, Mark and Frances begin a series of discussions on the importance of the message of Mercy in the Church today. They begin by focusing on the upcoming event of Divine Mercy Sunday, and then move forward in time to both Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II and what they both had to say about the gift of Mercy that we receive from God. They then discuss our current Holy Father’s book about Mercy, and one of the sources of his inspiration for this book, a certain German Theologian and Cardinal named Walter Kasper, who himself wrote a book simply titled “Mercy.” It is a book that our Holy Father Francis strongly endorsed and from which he drew a great deal of insight for his own book. Mark and Frances go on to discuss a number of Saints, including St. Therese of Lisieux, and Saint Faustina, and what they had to say about God’s great Mercy. This is a message which is so important for us to hear today, especially in light of a world that so often struggles with the loss of Hope and the onslaught of despair. Mark and Frances will continue this important message through the Easter Season.”
Monday Mar 24, 2014
Fr. Titus Brandsma Part 2
Monday Mar 24, 2014
Monday Mar 24, 2014
In this second program on Blessed Titus Brandsma, a Dutch Carmelite Friar who ultimately was martyred during WWII, Mark and Frances continue the discussion of Titus’ contribution to the history of Mysticism. They discuss some of his more significant writings, his theology regarding the importance of creating a sacred space within our hearts, our cell, his political activities against Nazi tyranny, and the central role the virtue of Hope played in his life. Both Titus Brandsma’s teachings, and most significantly his life, serve as models of how we are to conduct ourselves on the path to holiness.
Monday Mar 10, 2014
Fr. Titus Brandsma Part 2
Monday Mar 10, 2014
Monday Mar 10, 2014
“The Carmelite Order has no shortage of martyrs, especially during the Second World War, and one of the most well known is Titus Brandsma. Fr. Titus Brandsma was a renowned professor of Philosophy, very active in the development of Catholic education, and a significant contributor to the field of journalism on behalf of Catholic causes. In this conversation Mark and Frances discuss Titus’ early life, his call to Carmel, his growing reputation as a voice of reason against the backdrop of the horrors of WWII, and his efforts to communicate the beauty of the interior life which he found in Carmel. Titus was both a great philosopher and someone keenly aware of the power of they mystical life. He was able to combine these two disciplines in a way that allowed him to both understand and deal with the tragic events of his time.”
Monday Mar 03, 2014
The Life of Hermann Cohen Part 3
Monday Mar 03, 2014
Monday Mar 03, 2014
“This program is the third in a three part series on the life of Hermann Cohen, the renowned piano player who converted to Catholicism and eventually became a Carmelite Friar. Fr. Cohen’s life was a remarkable witness to the power of the Eucharist and the power of prayer. In this third conversation on Hermann Cohen’s life, Mark and Frances discuss his close relationship with the famous Franz Liszt, and the role that Fr. Cohen played in bringing Liszt back to the faith. They also discuss the impact Fr. Cohen had on the spread of Eucharistic adoration, especially night adoration. They also discuss the remarkable events that led eventually to Hermann Cohen’s death and the sacrifices he made toward the end of his life.”
Monday Feb 24, 2014
The Life of Hermann Cohen Part 2
Monday Feb 24, 2014
Monday Feb 24, 2014
We can never hear enough about the power of the Eucharist and the influence it can have on people’s lives. In this compelling program, Mark and Frances discuss the life of Hermann Cohen, a famous pianist who converted to Catholicism and eventually became a Carmelite Hermit. This is a fascinating story with three central characters, Hermann Cohen, the Blessed Mother, and our Lord, in the form of the Holy Eucharist. Cohen’s story is one of faith and inspiration for anyone looking to find the central meaning in our lives. Despite a very colored and misguided early life, Hermann Cohen, through his contact with our Lord in the Eucharist, came to understand the true meaning for his life, and for all our lives.
Monday Jan 27, 2014
Conforming our will to the will of God – Part II
Monday Jan 27, 2014
Monday Jan 27, 2014
In this conversation Mark and Frances continue with the second part of a three part series on conforming our will to the will of God. They are using a text from Carmelite Friar Father Wilfrid Stinissen entitled “Into your Hands, Father.” After finishing up the last section of the first part of Fr. Stinissen’s book, which concluded with the role of the memory and the practice of the virtue of Hope, Mark and Frances move to the second section of the book. In this second section Fr. Stinissen speaks about our need to not only accept everything in our life as God’s will, but to them move to put our hands on the plow and begin to do the work the Lord calls us to. Here Fr. Stinissen asks and answers his own question, namely, does God guide us through every moment of our day. The answer is yes, but He uses both external and internal means of doing this. After going through each of these means, Mark and Frances discuss the importance of the role of detachment, and our need to practice genuine human freedom in the context of pursuing our final ends as human persons. It is only through the practice of genuine freedom that we free ourselves to obey God in all things.
Monday Jan 20, 2014
Carmelite Spirituality and God’s Will
Monday Jan 20, 2014
Monday Jan 20, 2014
All of the spiritual masters have told us that on the journey we must learn to follow God’s will. But that always leaves us with that compelling question – how do I come to know God’s will for me. In this conversation Mark and Frances explore the writings of the Carmelite Saints to help provide some understanding on how we can approach this challenging issue. They identify that we must begin from where we are. We must first recognize that God seldom asks us to make dramatic changes in the external aspects of our life, but He may well ask us to significantly modify our approach to our interior life. If this is an issue you have struggled with, this program will provide many practical bits of advice.
Monday Jan 13, 2014
What Should Go Into A Rule of Life?
Monday Jan 13, 2014
Monday Jan 13, 2014
The original founders of the Order of Carmel found it necessary to identify a Rule by which they could conduct their daily activities and stay focused on what was most important. This is no less important for us today. We all need to have some basic guidance that helps stay focused and make progress along the Spiritual Journey. In this conversation Mark and Frances discuss the elements of what should go into a Rule of Life. They also discuss how the development of a Rule can be tailored to our individual circumstances and those elements we need to work on in our own spiritual path. They also discuss some of the best thinking on a Rule from the writings of the Saints and the Church Fathers.
Monday Dec 02, 2013
The Infant of Prague
Monday Dec 02, 2013
Monday Dec 02, 2013
Many people are familiar with the Devotion to the Infant of Prague, but what not many people know is that this devotion actually began with the Carmelites. In this particular program, Mark and Frances discuss the history of this wonderful devotion and its association with the Carmelite Order. They also discuss the blessings and promises the Lord has made to those who practice this devotion. The Christmas Season seems a wonderful time to focus on the Christ Child, and the rich Devotion to the Infant of Prague is a gift that will continue to bless us throughout the year.
Monday Nov 25, 2013
Homeschooling with the Carmelite Saints
Monday Nov 25, 2013
Monday Nov 25, 2013
How are these two homeschooling moms using the Carmelite Saints in teaching their children? Host Frances Harry interviews guests Colleen Sollinger and Connie Rossini about this topic. Colleen is a member of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites and has had a long term interest in sharing Carmelite Spirituality with her family as well as in developing a “Carmelite Spirituality Youth Group.” Connie Rossini is an author/writer as well as diocesan columnist and has a great blog at: She is also the administrator of a Catholic Spirituality Blogs Network that has a community of 20+ blogging on the spiritual life. We will talk about how they teach the contemplative life and prayer to their children as well as get a peak at Connie’s E-book:”Five Lessons front the Carmelite Saints That Will Change Your Life.”
Monday Nov 11, 2013
Monday Nov 11, 2013
Frances and Mark continue their conversation about Mark’s recent trip to Spain. While there he was able to visit some of the most important sites for the founding of the Discalced Carmelite Order. Frances continues this interview by asking Mark what he read while he was on the trip and how that might have both prepared him and affected him while visiting this important locations. Frances draws out some of the most important events from the trip and how those contributed to the graces Mark received while on the trip. They also discuss the conferences provide by the Carmelite Friars who were on the pilgrimage with them. Finally, as this program originally aired on Veterans Day, Mark takes the opportunity to discuss a chance encounter with a young soldier who the pilgrims met on their return flight to the US. He also makes a point about our need to lift up our Veterans in this country as they face so many challenges today.
Monday Nov 04, 2013
Frances turns the mike on Mark
Monday Nov 04, 2013
Monday Nov 04, 2013
During this spirited conversation, France turns the mike on Mark and interviews him about his recent pilgrimage to Spain. While there Mark was able to visit many of the most important sites associated with the Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross’ Reform of the Carmelite Order. He began the trip in Avila where the pilgrims spent most of the 11 days. While there they also traveled to Alba de Tomas where St. Teresa is buried, and Segovia where St. John’s tomb is located. They also visited the birth place of John and the location for the original Friar foundation in Durelo. Finally, they got to visit and stay in the famous city of Toledo, where Mark share a special moment he had at the Carmel in Toldeo. If you have been to Spain before, of even if you have not, you will enjoy listening to this colorful conversation about the most important locations for the beginning of the the ‘Reformed,’ Discalced Carmelite Order.
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Mary and the use of the Rosary
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
We are all familiar with the Rosary, but do we all understand its history or the importance so many Saints have place on reciting it daily. In this informative and inspiring program, Mark and Frances discuss the origins of the prayer of the Rosary. They touch on the details of our Lady having shared this prayer with St. Dominic. They also discuss the importance it played in bringing about a great military and spiritual victory in the Battel of Lepanto. Padre Pio of course was very dedicated to the Rosary, and this program discusses his emphatic counsel to use the Rosary as our weapon against the evils of this world. Pope John Paul II was likewise very dedicated to the Rosary and this program outlines the additions he brought to this form of prayer. Finally, Mark and Frances discuss the role of Mary and the use of the Rosary as a means of joining the Blessed Mother in contemplative prayer.
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Quotable Quotes of St. Teresa of Avila, #1
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
“Quotable Quotes of St. Teresa of Avila, #1″ with host, Frances Harry, along with Guest, Chris Cotter, OCDS. We will be focusing on some of our favorite quotes of St. Teresa of Avila. Some topics to be covered: St. Teresa ‘s conversion story from the “Book of Her Life,” important points about prayer, what she says about “the cross,” her approach to Confession, the importance of “Love, Detachment, and Humility” for growth in the spiritual life, and why we should practice mortification.
Monday Sep 23, 2013
The Importance of Community
Monday Sep 23, 2013
Monday Sep 23, 2013
Continuing on the theme from the previous program, Mark and Frances reiterate the importance of community, and the need to participate in community as a way to continue to grow. Again, echoing the ideas of St. Teresa of Avila, they outline the important elements that must be found in community. The virtues of kindness, compassion, patience, openness, trust and of course humility are all important. But they also emphasize the need for Joy, we must be able to find real Joy in knowing that we are working to become the very people God called us to be, and we do this most effectively in community. Mark and Frances also read from a letter by Pope Francis written specifically to the Carmelite Order world wide. In this encouraging and yet challenging document, the Holy Father tells the Carmelite Community they must again capture the spirit of the Brothers of Mount Carmel, both by fulfilling our call to contemplation, but also by fulfilling our mission by becoming Prophets of Hope to a fractured and disoriented world.
Monday Sep 16, 2013
Mary and the work of Evangelization
Monday Sep 16, 2013
Monday Sep 16, 2013
During this program Mark and Frances continue on the theme of Mary and the work of Evangelization. Here they discuss a presentation by Carmelite Friar and General Delegate to the OCDS, Fr. Debastiani, on our Carmelite call to mission. The presentation begins by reflecting on the contemplative nature of the call to Carmel. The importance of encountering the living God in the intimate experience of personal prayer. Fr. Debastiani then goes on to explain the importance of the call to community. Echoing the writings of St. Teresa of Avila, Fr. Debastiani points our that for Carmelites, and for that matter all Christians, must nurture the fruit of prayer in a community of faithful believers. It is in a supportive community that we both engage in conversation about our faith, are both challenged and supported on our journey and enter into community prayer to lift up the entire body of Christ.
Friday Sep 13, 2013
Mary Pyper
Friday Sep 13, 2013
Friday Sep 13, 2013
Mark welcomes Mary Pyper, Treasurer for Radio Maria US, into the studio to discuss some recent work she has been doing around a school of Evangelization and the role of Mary in the work of Evangelization. Acknowledging Mary’s role in both bringing our Lord into the world, and in being the one who initiated His public ministry at the wedding in Cana, this conversations centers around the role of Mary in helping us develop our interior life. It is this very interior life and intimate relationship with the Lord that then allows us to carry on the great commission of spreading the Gospel. For many of us, the work of Evangelization and spreading the Gospel message may be the simple presence we offer to those in need or those who need to witness a person who lives with Hope. In order to be that person for others, we must draw from a well of deep prayer and an interior understanding of how God is working in our life. The best example of this from scripture is the Blessed Mother’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. Here we see that the fruit of Mary’s rich prayer life, and her role as Christ Bearer is easily recognized by her cousin. In our lives we are also called on to be bearers of Christ, and Evangelizers of the message of hope. In this effort, the Blessed Mother serves as both our model and our and our guide.
Monday Aug 26, 2013
Tammy Jetton
Monday Aug 26, 2013
Monday Aug 26, 2013
In this particular program Frances invites Tammy Jetton to discuss Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified. Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified was noted for her exceptional humility, simplicity and candor as well as her intense devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit, and great love for the Church and the Pope. She encountered and overcame many obstacles and adversities in her life. She was a child of Galilee, Palestine and raised in the Melkite Greek-Catholic Rite. Orphaned at age 3 and living on her own by age 13, she trusted in God and responded favorably to the Holy Spirit throughout her life. She had an extraordinary life and was a mystic and victim soul gifted with numerous supernatural charisms: ecstasies, locutions, levitations, stigmata, bilocation, prophecy and more. She reveals and affirms the transcendence of the Love of God, the activity of the Holy Spirit in the Church, and the reality of the supernatural world. By her example, we can deepen our own faith and gain contemplative insight into the value of the daily trials and crosses we bear in life in growing in union with God. Let us invoke her for peace in the Holy Land.
Monday Aug 19, 2013
The Role of Mary part 2
Monday Aug 19, 2013
Monday Aug 19, 2013
This particular conversation picks up on the theme of Mary and her role in helping us develop a deep interior life. Moving from the previous conversation, which focused largely on her earthly life, this particular program moves to an understanding of Mary’s role in heaven. Mark and Frances explore what is unique about the Church’s teaching on Mary’s powerful intercession. They also propose the compelling idea so often expressed around the life of Mary, in both her heavenly role in and her earthly manifestations and apparitions, that Mary knows the great ‘secret.’ Part of our call in coming to a deeper understanding and Devotion to Mary, is to pray that she might reveal her secret to us, and help us to understand how we might apply it to our individual lives. This conversation is rich in sound doctrine, but never looses the theme of the need for all of us to understand how to make practical use of this information and be able to apply it to our daily lives.
Monday Aug 12, 2013
The Role of Mary
Monday Aug 12, 2013
Monday Aug 12, 2013
What is the role of Mary, the Mother of God, in helping to form us in our interior life. This is a question so central to Catholic teaching and the spiritual life, but yet there is still relatively little instruction on just how we can work with the Blessed Mother to assist us and help us along our journey. In this conversation, Mark and Frances explore the writings of the famous Dominican, Fr. Garrigou Lagrange, and his wonderful work on the role of Mary in our interior life. This conversation explores Mary’s earthly life and the model that her life presents, through the mysteries of the rosary, of how we too might respond to God’s call to become Christ bearers. Mark and Frances explore Mary’s unique role at the Incarnation, her role as mediator, her participation in Christ’s passion and her significant role in God’s plan of salvation. The conversation also explores how Mary, through her own merits, is able to assist each of us personally, in coming to understand and fulfill God’s unique plan for our lives.
Monday Aug 05, 2013
Active Contemplatives
Monday Aug 05, 2013
Monday Aug 05, 2013
Carmelites are called to be ‘active contemplatives,’ but what does this mean? Have you ever wondered how to go about striking the right balance between prayer and the active life. In fairness, most of us have difficulty finding enough time in our busy lives for a sufficient amount of prayer. But the active life referred to in this particular conversation is the life of virtue, the life of charity. During this informative and helpful conversation, Mark welcomes Deacon Rusty Baldwin to the studio to discuss the importance of all Christians maintaining an active apostolate, or an individual ministry of service to others. Indeed, St. Teresa of Avila herself said it is permissible to leave the activity of prayer for only one purpose, and that is to do an act of charity for another. Even the Carmelite Rule directs the members of Carmel to stay in prayer, unless otherwise justly occupied. This just occupation is the work of charity, which includes certainly the fulfillment of the responsibilities of our station in life, but also some form of ministry. This conversation will explore those opportunities, while at the same time helping us to understand how we can still maintain a state of prayer even in the midst of the active life.
Monday Jul 22, 2013
Pilgrimage vs. Retreat
Monday Jul 22, 2013
Monday Jul 22, 2013
What is the difference between a Pilgrimage and a Retreat? What are the elements that make up either a successful Pilgrimage or a successful Retreat? In this informative program Mark and Frances draw a clear distinction between these two different journey’s of seeking God. They discuss the motivations that might be behind the decision to go on Pilgrimage or Retreat, and how someone might best prepare for either one. They also discuss the benefits one might expect to receive from undertaking either of these efforts to seek out a more intimate relationship with God. Finally, in the case of the Retreat, Mark and Frances discuss the Israelite journey into the desert, and Christ own desert experience following His baptism, as models of how one might both prepare for, and hope to get the most out of a retreat experience.
Saturday Jul 13, 2013
What Is Faith?
Saturday Jul 13, 2013
Saturday Jul 13, 2013
We all use the word faith quite often and believe we understand what it means, but do we really understand the deeper meaning of faith as it relates to journey toward God. In this informative conversation, Frances speaks with Deacon Tracy Jamison of the Diocese of Cincinnati. Dr. Jamison is both a Deacon and a professor at the seminary in the Diocese of Cincinnati, and has published articles on the issues of faith and prayer, and more specifically how prayer serves as a means to nurture and strengthen out faith. Finally, drawing on specific Carmelite texts, Deacon Jamison demonstrates how prayer and faith play a vital role in our spiritual journey. This is both a very informative discussion, and very timely as we move toward the end of the “Year of Faith” in the Church.